Has a Past or Present Employer Paid You All The Wages You've Earned?
very day, employers do not pay employees the wages to which they are entitled under the law. Most employees don’t realize that it’s happening. And even if they do, they’re afraid that if they say anything, they will be fired or retaliated against in the workplace. At the same time, many employers don’t realize that they are underpaying their workers. Sometimes an employer doesn’t pay you the full amount on purpose. Other times, it is a mistake. Either way, you should receive the full amount of wages that you have earned.
The wage rules apply to both your past and current employers. And the rules apply even if your employment was terminated, if you resigned, if you were paid “off the books”, or if you were an undocumented worker.
You’re invited to call us and tell us about your situation at work. No one outside our office will know that you called.
Your call and everything you tell us is absolutely confidential. No one from our law firm will contact your employer or share your information with anyone.
PLEASE: Do not assume or jump to the conclusion that you are not owed any wages. This is a legal decision that must be determined by a labor and employment lawyer. This is why we offer a free, confidential consultation. In many cases, employees do not know that they are being paid less than they are owed. You might be surprised to discover that a past or current employer owes you significant wages and damages, for not paying you what you earned. In addition, the law says your employer cannot retaliate against you for asserting your right to wages that you should have been paid. So please don’t fear for your job. Right now, we’d like you to tell us what’s going on at work and we’ll tell you whether we can help.
see below
• The calendar works against you!
• The law limits how far back in time your claims may go.
• Each day that you wait could result in your losing wages that are owed to you simply because you waited too long file your claim.
If any of the situations listed below sound like an experience you have had with a past or present employer then we can help you. Either call us toll free at: 1•844•wage4me (1•844•924•3463) or contact us here for a free consultation..
These situations will help us know if you have been paid everything that you earned. If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, your past or current employer may owe you a lot of money that you’ve earned but were not paid.
Situation #1: Has a past or present employer called you an “independent contractor” so you don’t get paid overtime
Yes No
If you answered “yes,” Click Here for more information or call our office toll free at
1-844-924-3463 to schedule a free consultation.
Situation #2: Has a past or present employer made you work "off the clock" before or after a shift and not paid you for that time?
Yes No
Situation #3: Has a past or present employer classified you as "exempt"?
If you answered “yes,” Click Here for more information or call our office toll free at 1-844-924-3463 to schedule a free consultation.
Situation #4: A past or present employer has not you not paid you for putting on or removing protective gear?
Yes No
If you answered “yes,” Click Here for more information or call our office toll free at
1-844-924-3463 to schedule a free consultation.
Situation #5: Has a past or present employer not paid you all you are owed when you work for tips?
Yes No
If you answered “yes,” Click Here for more information or call our office toll free at
1-844-924-3463 to schedule a free consultation.
Situation #6: Has a past or present employer used "comp time" to deprive you of overtime pay?
Yes No
If you answered “yes,” Click Here for more information or call our office toll free at
1-844-924-3463 to schedule a free consultation.
Situation #7: Has a past or present employer not paid you the prevailing wage on a public works project?
Yes No
If you answered “yes,” Click Here for more information or call our office toll free at
1-844-924-3463 to schedule a free consultation.
Please do not assume that you are not owed any wages. Contact us for a free, confidential consultation to see if you have a valid legal claim. Click Here or call us toll free at:
1-844-WAGE4ME (1-844-924-3463).